Women’s Center Alumni Updates!

We asked some of our amazing alumni to share what they are up to today, how their time at the Women’s Center impacted their lives post graduation, what their favorite memory is.  These are only the highlights so look out for our newsletter later in the semester for so much more!


Senior Public Health Educator
Newburg Heath Department


My work at the Women’s Center and the Rainbow Center inspired my entire career trajectory.  The impact was immeasurable.


          Asst Director of Living Learning Communities
Georgia Institute of Technology


The staff and my peers in the Women’s Center helped to shape me into a person who asks questions respectfully, challenges with strength, and continues to learn in order to make the most informed decisions possible.

School Counselor
Apponequet Regional High School

I worked at the Center for my 4 years at UConn and to say that experience impacts my day-to-day would be a grand understatement. My experience at the Women’s Center has taught me to continue learning with an open mind, to be protective of and confident in my progressive worldview, and to lead an authentic, visible, proud life personally and professionally. 
Surgical Nurse at Middlesex Hospital


I have been able to use my experiences and education to more fully care for the each patient and their unique experiences by viewing them through an intersectional lens.  I have taught about how preconceived notions impact trans individuals and create barriers in their ability to receive quality, compassionate care. 

Registered Nurse
In grad school for Advance Practice Nursing


The Women’s Center was truly a safe place to learn and share, and I will never forget the connections I had there.

Director of Rural Programs for a statewide capacity building nonprofit


The Women’s Center helped me find my voice – I’ve been using it ever since and working to help others to find theirs.  The respect, trust, and community of the Women’s Center set the standard for me of the kind of office and team I wanted to work for. 

Ms Caitlin’s School of Blacksmithing


My at the Women’s Center led me to become one of the founding members of the Society of Inclusive Blacksmiths.

Master’s Student of Public Policy
Duke University  


Working at the Women’s Center, taking the VAWPP course, and being involved in all the great things they do helped me build important leadership and organizing skills. I first became interested in reproductive rights through a club that met at the Women’s Center, and that interest translated into my first “real” job after college.

Director of the Women’s Resource Center
Associate Dean of Students
Cornell University 


The Women’s Center has been embedded in every job I’ve ever had—from being a case manager at a domestic violence/sexual assault non-profit to a diversity and inclusion practitioner in higher education.  More than anything though—what I’m most grateful for is how the Women’s Center shaped the way I think, view, and experience the world. 

Director of Sexual Violence Prevention & Advocacy
Connecticut College 


Being hired as a VAWPP facilitator completely changed my career path.  Since graduation I have been working on college campuses supporting LGBTQ students and/or doing sexual violence prevention work.


Associate Professor of Sociology and Race & Ethnic Studies
University of Wisconsin


The experiences and friendships that I developed at the WC definitely helped me feel more empowered as a young woman in a PhD program and later, as a young professor.

Assistant Professor in Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies (my absolute dream job!)
University of Connecticut 


My time as the Between Women Facilitator at the Women’s Center led me to continue to seek community after graduating, to carve and keep important space for queer and trans women and femmes. My time at the center was so rewarding and I couldn’t imagine being without such a thoughtful and intentional community! 

Assistant Professor of Economics
University of California, Santa Cruz


I went to the University of Michigan for graduate school. In large part because of my work at the WC, the university awarded me a fellowship aimed at fostering diversity. While at Michigan I spent all five years of grad school volunteering and working at UM’s Sexual Assault Prevention and Awareness Center in the Men’s Activism Program.

Business Associate II at Yale New Haven Hospital, professional model and entrepreneur.


My confidence within my presence and knowing that I could bring to the table begun with the job fair during the summer when I first applied for working at the Women’s Center.  Working at the Center for all of my 4 years at UConn, I use these learned abilities in my daily life with my encounters with different people who hold different positions.

Managing Director and Theater Education Artist at Kidstock! Creative Theater


I was living on the Dutch Caribbean island of Saba when they wanted to start a sexual violence and dating violence prevention program. Because of my Women’s Center expertise, I was able to design and pilot a program in conjunction with WE CAN Young from the Netherlands which became a required part of the high school curriculum on Saba.

Academic Advisor, Student Success Center
San Jose State University 


My experience as Graduate Assistant at the Women’s Center allowed me to understand the impact of language and to think critically when it comes to practices/policies.

Mellon Postdoctoral Fellow at Wesleyan University
Postdoctoral Affiliate at University of Oxford


The Women’s Center was seriously the best part of my UConn experience.  Working there helped me become more confident as a woman and strategic in my career choices because of this confidence.


Second year social work graduate student with a concentration in childhood trauma


My time at the women’s center gave me a sense of purpose that I continue to take with me. I really believe the Women’s Center shows it’s students what it feels like to have an encompassing experience, lived experiences, and strong values which I want to create in every space I walk into.

Director of the Gender Equity Center
Arcadia University


My time at the Women’s Center has really guided me in in professional life. I started working as a community educator at a DV agency out of undergrad and haven’t stopped working on issues around violence prevention and gender equity since.


Second Year Medical Student


The Women’s Center taught me so much about different identities and truly shaped how I want to impact my community (and of course my future patients!).

Assistant Director, LGBTQ Student Center
University of Miami 


My time at the Women’s Center led me to change my major to pursue my passion for social justice education, and I ultimately ended up going to grad school for Higher Education and Student Affairs.